The R.A.W.E. Portfolio

Case Study: Amare

Personal Highlight Tape

Carlene & her son Will wanted to have nearly his ENTIRE senior basketball season on-film. It all started with a conversation about which game(s) on their schedule they wanted to have filmed, and the type of look they wanted the final videos to have.

The videos could’ve had a “mixtape” type of feel, which is great for overall social media exposure. Or, the video could’ve been structured for the eyes of an actual college coach or scout, with different plays grouped together by skill-type—as well as contact information, included.

From there, we got his games on our schedule, staffed a videographer to those specific games, recorded Will’s play, extract his footage, and begin the editing process! The final video was sent to the family, and also shared on our social media accounts to assist with their visibility. These highlight-tapes earned him an offer from Warner University! Check out how it all came out.

For Bobbie and her son Amare, they had film OF THEIR OWN that they needed to have edited into a highlight-tape—and that’s never an issue! They sent their basketball footage to us, then we discuss their goals for the video, as well as their desired look. From there, our team of editors went hard at work, and created a project that gained Amare extra college visibility! Check out his highlight-tape to see how we made their vision come to life.

Case Study: Gainesville stampede


The Gainesville Stampede is a travel-basketball team out of North Central Florida, and they have a habit of WINNING. So when they noticed that other travel-programs around them had more of a photography presence than they did, they felt it was important to start working on their image (no pun intended). We set-up a photo shoot with our photographer where he was able to capture still-shots of EACH player, the coaching staff, and the team as a whole. Take a look at how some of the shots came out!

Case Study: Gainesville stampede

Graphic Design

Just as the Gainesville Stampede wanted to make a splash with new photo content, they also had the thought of unveiling their roster one player at a time. Our talented graphic-design team took the still photos & created these FIRE roster-introduction graphics for their social media page, giving their audience an opportunity to see “player spotlights” for each hooper. Give everyone their chance to shine, check out the work we were able to do for them!

Case Study: Gainesville stampede

PreSeason Roster Hype-Video

As a part of their content package, the Gainesville Stampede wanted to have a hype-video shot & edited that served as an awesome & cool way to let their audience know what type of energy their team is bringing during their season. We spent hours brainstorming on the type of lighting, effects, and visuals we need to make this video as eye-catching as possible, while also welcoming input from the coaching staff & players during the shoot. This latest piece came out AMAZING, take a look at the final product!

Case Study: Marion County NFL Flag League


The Marion County NFL Flag League has been a partner with RAWE for years, now. They reached out with the need of bringing the action on the field to their parents, players and supporters via social media. What we created, was something that would change the visibility of the League from then on out. Every week, RAWE’s cameras were placed on various fields to capture exciting plays and major highlights. Then, we took the content and edited it into a video-package that was shared on their Facebook page. Our content absolutely pushed the League in a positive direction & helped gain the respect & notoriety it deserved. Here’s one of the League’s weekly highlights, along with a testimonial from the League Director, John Ivory!

Case Study: U.S. Amateur


RAWE has been a key player in raising the visibility of HoopSeen & U.S. Amateur Basketball’s tournaments over the last few years. Based in Central Florida, we partnered with U.S. Amateur help them run their Twitter & Instagram platforms by-way of posting in-game tweets and IG-Story posts, scoring results, top performers, and more during their two-day or three-day tournaments. The visibility of their platforms absolutely SKYROCKETED. Take a look at some of the content we’ve posted that has garnered some great attention. Reach out if your tournament needs a team to take the social media reins!

Case Study: "The rock school"


The “E” in R.A.W.E. stands for “EDUCATION”. For the first time ever, we were able to usher in our 10-week program during the Fall of 2022. Hosted at Gainesville’s “The Rock School”, a K-12 Christian institution, we helped 12 middle & high-schoolers learn what it takes to be a sports-journalist in today’s media climate. From practicing interviewing skills during one-on-one sessions, to filming backyard soccer games and creating highlight tapes from the content they collected, these 12 students and student-athletes were provided an incredible experience that they will never forget. Check out some content from the program that shows the students in action! If your school would benefit from having this program take place, reach out for more information.


Athletic Business Branded Content

Tim Montgomery is the Founder of “NUMASpeed: Never Underestimate My Abilities”, an athletic-training group in Gainesville, FL. As a former Olympian, Tim has dedicated countless hours to his craft of track-and-field. Now, he has the desire to share his knowledge with not JUST his clientele, but his entire social-media audience and beyond. RAWE stepped in to create immersive, interactive content that truly TEACHES athletes the RIGHT way to do things. Check out one of the reels our team created for Tim & NUMASpeed.

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